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 Deadpool in the Park

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Posts : 29
Join date : 2012-11-02

Deadpool in the Park Empty
PostSubject: Deadpool in the Park   Deadpool in the Park Icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2012 10:32 pm

"Mommy! Watch this!" Wade heard a child yell from the monkey bars as he did a back flip.

"CARTER! Don't do that! You could hurt yourself!" The mother said.

Really? Wade thought to himself. That woman sucks. That kid needs to be able to have fun

"Kid..." Wade said to himself. He felt like he was supposed to have a child, but that he had dome something to ruin it. "Kitty... I'll find you."

Wade Knew he knew her. He could picture her. A young slender girl, maybe about 20, with long black hair. He knew they had had a relationship... An intimate relationship. But it didn't make sense, she was gorgeous and he was... Well he was him.

"If it wasn't for this reboot, I'd still have you Kitty... Oh crap. Did I say that out loud?! Oh well. Sorry Hannah!"
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Deadpool in the Park Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadpool in the Park   Deadpool in the Park Icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2012 11:44 pm

Kitty had decided to explore the new area and was silently amazed at the fact that it seened to be like any normal world. As she made her way towards the park she saw a man in costume with a mask covering his features. Upon seeing him Kitty froze, he looked....familiar and a sudden vague memory popped into her head. A black german shepard puppy...Shadow...and something about a relationship she rubbed her forehead as she tried to remember more...but nothing came.
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Posts : 29
Join date : 2012-11-02

Deadpool in the Park Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadpool in the Park   Deadpool in the Park Icon_minitimeTue Nov 06, 2012 9:36 pm

Wade walked through the park determined to get this girl out of his head. He thought about puppies and bunnies playing... But that just made him sick.

"Hey you! In the red suit! You voted yet?" A man said in a red, white and blue suit.

"Vote for what?" Wade replied, slightly annoyed that someone had disturbed him while he was trying to forget about something.

"Sheriff, District Attorney and President, of course!"

"Uh... I'm not from around here."

"Oh! You're an illegal alien? So you're going to vote for President Blue, right?"

"Actually, I like red better."

"Whatever man, you just hate women!"

Ok. That was strange Wade thought to himself and continued walking.

Wade continued walking until he came across the library in the middle of the park with a big sign with "Vote Here!" printed in large red letters. Why not Wade thought.

Wade made his way into the library.

"Here you go sir, here is your ballot." A old woman behind a table said as she handed him a long piece of paper, "Hurry up, polls close soon!"

Wade sat down and began to fill out the three choice:

Sheriff - James Campbell (R) "Don't judge me! I like Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup."

District Attorney - Rachel Patton (R) "Her opponent, Elmer Beckworth, sounds like a dork."

President - Senator Red "That one was hard, but my suit is red, so I'm going with that."

Wade submitted his ballot and left the library.

"Damn politics! It made me forget what I was trying to forget. I HATE when I forget stuff!"

Last edited by Deadpool on Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:39 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I'm a dork)
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PostSubject: Re: Deadpool in the Park   Deadpool in the Park Icon_minitime

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