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 Character Profile: X-23

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Join date : 2012-10-30

Character Profile: X-23 Empty
PostSubject: Character Profile: X-23   Character Profile: X-23 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 6:56 pm

Name: X-23
Real Name: Laura Kinney
Villain or Superhero: Anti-Hero ~ But picked the hero side.
Age: 20
Universe From: X-men (Comic Version)
Person she is closest to: Jubilee, Wolverine, Gambit, and Julian.
Enemies: S.H.E.I.L.D

Upon initially encountering her, X-23 might be mistaken for a typical young woman, calm and quiet. However, as her character evolved, she has become somewhat darker and more complex. X-23 is very taciturn, rarely uttering more than one sentence or two at a time. Because she grew up in a controlled environment, she speaks using perfect grammar, rarely using slang. She also engages in self-injury, cutting herself with her own claws; this is something she has done since a very young age. X-23 is a highly trained and skilled combatant; she is able to kill dozens of heavily armed opponents during a single encounter.

X-23's mother, Dr. Sarah Kinney, did her best to ensure the child retained some semblance of humanity, but her efforts appeared to be in vain. X-23 rarely spoke, or expressed much interest in her mother, who was forced to reject any emotional advance the girl might make, such as laying her head in her mother's lap, because of the Facility. Despite the upbringing X-23 received, she has always shown signs of humanity. In one particular mission when X-23 was assigned to assassinate Martin Sutter and his family, she killed Sutter and his wife without hesitation, but she spared their young son, Henry.

X-23 seemed to have taken up a better disposition since joining the New X-Men. She became a student at the Xavier Institute, found friends in Dust and Mercury, and developed apparent romantic feelings towards Hellion. Being a central part of a team helped her adjust to the world. However, she still retains the cold, no-nonsense attitude that was evident in the Mercury Falling arc which, along with the Children of X-Men arc, showed that Laura also has trouble comprehending and expressing the many new emotions she has been experiencing for the very first time.

When Blackheart forced her to face her fears embodied in a single, perfect "adversary", her fears took the form of "X-666", a stereotypical cheerleader with murderous intents. X-666 then explained how she was meant to be the thing lacking to Laura to be truly human: while every human is "nuanced", possessing a dark side and an inner self rarely shown to others, Laura's upbringing left her utterly bi-dimensional, driven and apparently lacking any other personality trait beyond the ones she's already showing, unable to grow further as person.

One thing that Laura has shown frequently is selflessness. Laura puts the safety and well being of her friends, family, and teammates above her own. However it is also accompanied by low self-worth. While Laura values the lives of those around her, she places little value on her own and sometimes makes suicidal decisions. Since leaving Utopia Laura has come to value her life more and become happier, though her social skills and grasp of emotions remain somewhat dull but nowhere near as bad as when she first started.


1. Regenerative healing factor
2. Superhuman senses, strength, agility, stamina, reflexes, and longevity
3. Adamantium-laced skeletal structure
4. Retractable adamantium-laced bone claws

Dangerous abilities
Trigger Scent

The chemical that induces uncontrolled berserker rage in X-23.

Developed by the Facility that created X-23, the trigger scent was designed to force X-23 into an involuntary primal rage to kill any targets who were laced with it.

X-23 was put through brutal conditioning that bordered on torture from at least age eight by Zander Rice, forced to respond to the trigger scent on a subconscious level. Once she detects the scent, she essentially blacks out as her feral killing instincts take over, killing anyone marked with the chemical and when the effects wear off, she returns to full consciousness with no memory of what happened.

People she knows.

Sarah Kinney-DEAD

Sarah was the first one to show X-23 any sort of affection in spite of her orders from the Facility to not treat her like a child. Sarah would frequently read her Pinocchio as a child and showed concern when she noticed the cuts Laura inflicted on herself. It took Laura sparing the life of Henry Sutter to realize that she was just as guilty of using Laura as the rest of the Facility was. Deciding to make things right, Sarah hatched a plan to escape with Laura, destroy the Facility's work, and start over with her. However thanks to Zander Rice lacing the trigger scent on her, Sarah was killed by Laura. With her dying breaths she told her name was Laura. Sarah's final thoughts were left in a letter to Laura detailing her guilt, that she was Laura's mother, and the realization that she had come to love her. Sarah's death remains to this day the life that Laura regrets taking the most.

Being cloned from Wolverine's DNA, Logan is the closest thing Laura has to a father. The pair talk and interact with each other in ways that are consistent with a father-daughter relationship (Even though in New X-Men, Logan introduced her to the students as his sister). Logan acts protective towards Laura and seems to have her well-being at heart, such as when he openly voiced his disapproval of Cyclops putting her on X-Force, however he did not force her to leave though he told Gambit that he thinks he should have. When the pair first meet Logan offers to help her start over at the Xavier Institute and says that he knows better than anyone what she's going through. In the X-23 solo series Logan makes plans to adopt Laura as his daughter. Despite some bumps here and there the two have a strong familial relationship with one another.

The first boy that Laura formed a crush on. At first Hellion was hostile towards her, but during the Mercury Rising arc the two grew closer. Mercury managed to pick up on Laura's feelings towards him though did not get her to admit to it. Over time Julian began to feel the same way, though their relationship never managed to get much further. When Julian lost his hands during Second Coming Laura stayed by him, watching him recover. After the Misadventures in Babysitting arc Laura ended things between her and Julian saying that she no longer felt the same way towards him. Laura and Hellion's relationship can be seen as reminiscent to the relationship between Wolverine and Jean Grey.

Gambit traveled with Laura during the X-23 solo series. The two became friends and looked out for another as Gambit helped her to cope with the changes in her life as well as giving her helpful life advice. He affectionately referred to her as "Petite" and even managed to get her calm down from a trigger scent induced rage. Gambit scolded Logan for not protecting Laura the way he protected Jubilee, to which Logan admitted to his failings as Laura's father. Gambit also went on to remark that Laura while damaged, was far from being broken, contrary to everyone's perceptions of her. If Laura was truly broken she wouldn't be trying to change. Logan later on thanked Gambit for succeeding with Laura where he failed. When Laura left to join to the Avengers Academy, she and Gambit shared a goodbye hug and he told her wherever she went she wasn't alone.

Wolverine arrives at X-23 and Gambit's hotel room, with Jubilee as company, who X-23 nearly attacks her because of the scent of a vampire on her. Wolverine and X-23 converse on top of the hotel roof about her mental state and Logan gives her advice about filling her heart with better memories. Gambit questions Wolverine about why he never treated X-23 with the same compassion as Jubilee. Wolverine admits that he didn't make the right decisions with X-23 and is going to make attempts to rectify it for both X-23 and Jubilee.

X-23 and Jubilee are walking on the streets of Paris, and are harassed by a group of men. Jubilee manages to get the group to leave them alone. X-23 then slits her own neck, thereby arousing Jubilee's vampire instincts and attempts to gorge her fangs into her.[22] Jubilee tastes X-23 blood with her tongue and witnesses the violent visions of X-23's memories. This causes Jubilee to fight her temptation and overcome the blood lust.

Jubilee questions X-23 if her offering her blood was a twisted joke and attempts to hit her in anger, but the punch is stopped due to X-23's reflexes. Jubilee explains that despite being a predator, she wants to keep the remaining shards of her humanity intact. She decided to leave Utopia because the people she once considered friends are now afraid of her, to the point of wanting to kill her. X-23 empathizes with her because she was born and raised to be a killer, and murder is the only way she knows she's alive. X-23 left because she couldn't just become someone new that easily, especially with the others watching and judging. Jubilee questions why X-23 offered her blood, and her reply was to see if Jubilee would give in to her predatory impulses, but there was a hidden agenda in her answer.

Gambit receives a call from a Paris criminal underworld contact about an arms auction in Paris that is selling a trigger scent. Later in the night, X-23, Gambit, Jubilee and Wolverine infiltrate the weapons auction. They are unable to find the woman in charge of the auction. X-23 picks up a scent and runs towards an elevator, and shuts it before Jubilee can get in. A mysterious voice that X-23 recognizes and is a person on her kill list is speaking to her via intercom. The voice says to her that the scent has been upgraded and now anyone can be affected by it, but X-23 rages are special. X-23 becomes affected by the scent as the elevator arrives at a subway. Before X-23 starts a killing spree on the civilians, Jubilee crashes in on an attempt to subdue her, but to no avail, as X-23 attempts to kill her. Jubilee pushes X-23 onto the train tracks just as a subway car is coming towards both of them at full speed.

At the last second, Jubilee leaps and tackles X-23 from the speeding train. X-23's leg is ran over, but she bends back in position and attempts to continue her assault on Jubilee. Gambit and Wolverine intervene to calm X-23's rage. Wolverine takes the full impact of her blows stating that he is not going to give up on her. Gambit manages to get X-23 to remember who really cares about her. X-23's rage disappears and she apologizes to the group.

Last edited by X-23 on Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 42
Join date : 2012-10-30

Character Profile: X-23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Character Profile: X-23   Character Profile: X-23 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 7:57 pm

Added people she knows. Just for people who want to be any of those characters~
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