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 Character Profile: Circe

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Join date : 2012-11-02

Character Profile: Circe Empty
PostSubject: Character Profile: Circe   Character Profile: Circe Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 5:32 am

Real Name :Circe
Current Alias: Circe
Aliases: Cassandra Colchis, Donna Milton, Wonder Woman
Relatives: Helios & Perseis (parents), Hippolyta "Lyta" (daughter), Hyperion and Thia (paternal grandparents), Oceanus and Tethys (maternal grandparents), Ares (consort)
Gender :Female
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 145 lbs (66 kg)
Age: unknown
Hair: Purple

Circe is an ancient, nearly immortal sorceress of incredible power. Over 1,200 years B.C., Circe was a princess of Colchis, but according to her own words, her subjects objected to her killing her weak husband. Driven out of the kingdom, she found refuge on a small island Aeaea and began to accumulate considerable magical power--but it was limited to the island. She used the Sirens to lure seafarers to the island, but it was not enough for her lust for power. The goddess Hecate would answer her prayers, desiring for Circe to be the instrument of Hecate's own revenge against the Greek gods. She made Circe a proposition: immortality, eternal beauty, and incredible power in exchange for her soul (Hecate's soul would go to Circe). Circe agreed, and after the exchange, Hecate's body was destroyed. But before she died, the goddess gave a prophecy: "Upon the death of witch and the birth of witch, Hecate, by name and choice, shall repossess her soul." Circe did not pay much attention to the prophecy at first, elated by her incredible powers. She razed the kingdom of Colchis in a single day and developed the power to turn people into animals. The terror of her name and power quickly spread throughout the ancient world. Circe, driven by Hecate's hatred, fanned the flames of sexual alienation: men and women had always distrusted one another to an extent, she merely fanned such flames, sewing suspicion and betrayal wherever she went. When the Amazons were born, Circe was wary, but Ares assured her that they were his to destroy. The ancient Amazons were brought down by Heracles, and Antiope led half the Amazons against Athens--but the city was not destroyed, as Theseus and Antiope reached a peace--and then were married. Circe found Ariadne, the former wife of Theseus, and used her powers to let the angered queen slip into Antiope's bedroom and murder her as she slept. This would prove one of the key events in the history of the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall: Pythia and her Amazons blamed the murder on Theseus, while Theseus blamed them for the death. This is precisely what Circe wanted.
Circe remained on Aeaea for three thousand years, venturing out to cause more chaos and destruction, but by the modern time she had all but retreated to the island itself, setting herself up as an eccentric recluse. The island continued to have a bad reputation.

When Wonder Woman made her debut, Circe was distressed to find that some Amazons were still alive. Diana's message of peace reached even the inhabitants of Aeaea, and after some time they began to resent and hate the witch on the island. Even some of her Beastiamorphs turned against her. Circe felt that the time of Hecate's prophecy was close at hand -- Hecate was a moon goddess, as was the goddess Diana. She thus believed that Wonder Woman (Diana) was the second witch of the prophecy, and that if Diana killed her then Hecate's power would manifest in her. But Circe feared killing Diana directly, as that might also fulfill the spell. Thus, Circe decided to capture Diana when she was visiting Greece with some friends and revert her back into the clay and mud from which she was born. Circe's plan would have succeeded if not for the intervention of Hermes, who destroyed her tower and transported the witch away from Wonder Woman and her friends.

Powers and Abilities
-Sorcery: Circe is a goddess-level sorceress. Circe has nearly limitless magical power. Circe’s primary powers were her abilities to tap and manipulate mystical forces of the universe. She's shown the ability to project her image, voice, and energy bolts over long distances. Her most popular ability is her power to alter the forms of mortal but not immortal beings. With a gesture, she can transform men into animals, usually one comparable to the attitude, appearance or personality of her victims.

-Projective Animal Metamorphosis: Her most known and main feat was to turn objects and people alike into various sorts of animals. She prefers to transform men into various animals. Some of her victims have become pigs, monkeys, large cats, boars and even birds and have retained their ability to think and sometimes even speak. In these forms, they are subjective to Circe and often in a tranquilized state unable to retaliate. With another gesture, Circe can restore her victims to normal.

-Matter Transmogrification: She can transform objects and beings into whatever form she desires.
-Reality Alteration: Her sorcery allows her to manipulate reality through incantations and spells.
-Immortality: As a goddess level sorceress she is granted with ageless immortality.
-Alter Minds: She can alter minds and control them utterly.
-Magic Blasts: Can fire destructive magical energy blasts.
-Magical Shields: Able to erect physical shields through her magic prowess.
-Sound Manipulation: She's shown the ability to project her voice over long distances with extreme pressure.
-Clairvoyance: Circe also seems to have limited clairvoyant potential, mostly to be able to detect guests to her island and the presence of other immortals in her company. She was able to detect Hermes in an invisible state when he visited her.

-Illusion Casting: Capable of creating illusions.
-Teleportation: Capable of tapping even cosmic energies, she could teleport between dimensions such as from Earth to Olympus.

-Necromancy: (formerly) During her time in Hell, she gained the limited ability to manipulate the dead to do her bidding, but much is not known of this since her resurface to Earth.
-Superhuman Strength: (formerly) Her strength was greatly increased due to the power boost she obtained, though this was only temporary as Wonder Woman received them back.
-Superhuman Durability: (formerly) Her durability was greatly increased due to the power boost she obtained, though this was only temporary as Wonder Woman received them back.

-Charisma: She has the ability to seduce others with her natural charm.
-Seduction: With her ability to seduce others with her natural beauty, Circe is an excellent master manipulator.
-Alchemy: She can create potions to transform individuals or for granting power comparable to the gods.

-Holly: The herb disrupts Circe's magic.
-Immortality Immunity: She is unable to use some of her more basic magics on immortals. Instead she must plot and plan different strategies to affect immortals such as Wonder Woman and other gods in creative and indirect ways.

-Lasso of Truth: (formerly) When she received Wonder Woman's powers, she wielded the lasso of truth.
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