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 A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man}

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A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Empty
PostSubject: A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man}   A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2012 11:25 pm

Bruce couldn't trust this world.

Wouldn't trust this world.

It was a bad replica of a world he'd never seen-- never wanted to see. Same colors, same textures, same air but not his own. Not the polluted with crime, the desolate reek of fear and loathing that he was accustomed to. Used to. For what they had them doing, enacting, in their quite ignorant society. Their rules but childish need to keep them all here with a goal of escaping.

A reality that would never occurr.

Bruce had seen the numbers. The people going in didn't add up to twenty. It didn't add up to the numbers needed. They were lying... or they were bringing other. Neither thought settled him much, especially not with a son here. Dick wouldn't be able to go through with this, he was assured of it. Neither would he. Clark... could and probably had in intergalactic wars. He would feel shame but ultimately he'd be alright. He wasn't sure about the others.

But that was for later. Right now, Bruce's mind was working on a way to get themselves out of this place and back home to their appropriate Earths.
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Iron Man

Iron Man

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A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man}   A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Icon_minitimeTue Nov 06, 2012 2:07 pm

It had been a normal day, at least from what he could remember. Tony, locked down in his workshop with the sound of a blowtorch being muffled by the 1980's classic "Highway to Hell". All he could think about was his next generation, he had so many ideas, layers upon layers on translucent paper sketches that revealed the interior of the newest Iron Man suit, and he knew the crowds of New York, California, hell, the World, would be impressed with the new features. That was about all he remembered. . .

Now he found himself here, where 'here' was he couldn't quite say for sure, it was Earth but not his Earth. This one was lonely, more so for the Stark than for most in his own opinion. There was rarely a moment when Tony was alone, J.A.R.V.I.S. was just a word away, Pepper, a text, Happy, a call . . . but now, as far as he could see, he was alone and it was quiet; he wasn't a fan.

Tony had already took a tour of the Mansion, rolling his eyes at the interior's design that gave it much to be desired. That is, unless you were into the darkly stained walls, high ceilings with chandeliers and god awful taste in fabrics that made it resemble a home lost in the 1800's; not quite up to the Stark quota personally, but he would keep his comments to himself. He quickly made his way outside, noticing a garden off to the side, which barely held his interest if it wasn't for the clear silhouette of a person. Tony calmly shuffled his way towards the man, raising his eyebrow to the suit that he wore, and silently complementing the style the man clearly possessed to own such a garment. In fact, Tony felt a bit under dressed, wearing a pair of straight leg dark denim, and his Black Sabbath graphic t-shirt. . . although now he was sporting a lovely collar as well. But since he had no super powers he wasn't sure why he actually had it but it was interesting.

The well-dressed man seemed to be deep in thought, at least from what Tony could see, his frown lines revealing years of sitting in this exact pose for possible hours at a time, a real stick in the mud huh? Once he was close enough, he saw a matching collar on his neck as well, and Tony sighed a bit in defeat, but at least it was someone.

"Bit overdressed aren't you? I'm sure the plants wouldn't judge you if you wore a pair of slacks."

Last edited by Iron Man on Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man}   A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Icon_minitimeTue Nov 06, 2012 2:25 pm

Bruce was prepared for a confrontation or mere words. His days with other people usually ended in one another. At least whoever was walking up behind him had no idea what stealth was, how to hide ones steps or make them feel soft. The placement of steps, the crunch or leaves and grass sounds, gave him enough information to deduce the person was not one to be on a level with he and Dick on skill with stealth. Quite possibly a blunt man -- stride length gave him gender-- with a bit of self entitlement by the heaviness of his steps. The man wasn't subtle, never needed to be.

Mistake number one when dealing with someone known as the World's Greatest Detective. He wasn't sneaking, probably just curious about why he was here and not doing something like getting to know the others like... well... everyone else. Bruce never liked social outings; he only did such things to keep the mass suspicion off of him being Batman, this would just be another testament to it.

"Bit overdressed aren't you? I'm sure the plants wouldn't judge you if you wore a pair of slacks."

Bruce's head never moved, his eyes still staring forward as his face remained placid. The voice did not sound similar to anyone he could remember. Therefore, they did not realize who he was-- Bruce Wayne. Everyone knew his name even if you'd never actually seen him. He'd made sure of it. This meant the man must be a member of the others. The other Earth taken.

"I don't aim to please anyone with my attire. The plants might appreciate the respect more so than any other being here, then again, I don't dress for others. Not currently, at least." This wasn't a place for show, not now. Not ever. Even if they had taken his suit, so he couldn't wear it with his usual need. He couldn't hide behind the mask he'd created. He'd wear his suit when he damned well felt like it-- not when it was forced upon him by the creators of his world. Not in an arena where one would meet their fate at the hand of their enemy.
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Iron Man

Iron Man

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A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man}   A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Icon_minitimeWed Nov 07, 2012 12:10 pm

Tony found it a bit strange that as he had continued closer to the man that he didn't seem effected, was he deaf. . . or just already ignoring him. By the way the man stood, like there was a rod shoved up his . . . well, taped to his back, Tony wouldn't be too surprised if the prick was ignoring him. After he concluded this, Stark shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans, kicking at the leaves under him slightly, it seemed this Earth and his were at a near perfect parallel, perfect yet not ideal for the man of iron. If he was a sensible man, Tony would acknowledged the fact that the man beside him clearly wanted to be alone, but sensible wasn't typically an adjective to describe the playboy.

In a bit of actual surprise, Tony did jump when the other finally spoke, slowing turning his head to stare him down as he talked, taking in what little bits and pieces he could of him. He assumed he was of some sort of status wherever he was from, the suit, the posture, the lyrical way in which he spoke with such a smooth tone that it ran out of his mouth like silk, although it held a bite with the words; more like jagged silver, Tony scoffed quietly. His hands slipped out of his pockets and his arms folded across his chest in a defensive comfort, he hadn't been expecting so much . . . snark from the gentleman at his side.

"Hmm, you don't say. I'm assuming your wife picked out your suit for this little trip then? Butler? Nanny?"

He replied with a taunting tone that seemed to be wired into Tony's vocals oh-so-naturally. But perhaps this wasn't the way that he should be making his introduction to the man, with the predicament that they both sound themselves in, he figured it might be better, statistically if he had more friends than enemies while he was stuck here. With this, a slightly childish pout formed on Tony's lips, he sounded like Pepper, and he could only imagine the lecture that the blonde would have for his lack of "people skills". His dark hues side glanced to the man quickly before clearing his throat.

"Tony Stark."

The man of iron said quickly, hearing Pepper in his mind once more about being so self-centered that he always introduced himself first, his eyes rolling slightly, even the pitch in mind was spot on. A headache would be forming soon. He turned to face the gentleman beside him, holding his hand out, expecting him to follow with the introductions.

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A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man}   A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Icon_minitimeWed Nov 07, 2012 10:14 pm

"Hmm, you don't say. I'm assuming your wife picked out your suit for this little trip then? Butler? Nanny?"

Bruce's piercing, cold blue eyes glanced at the man when he spoke. Flippant and so self-confident, it was a voice that wanted you to know you were below his IQ and bothering him at the same time. It was a tone he was vaguely familiar with, the higher class had a bit of this snobbish tendency but the way the man casually strolled-- it seemed it might be something that might ring true.

"None of the above." Which was true, he could dress himself. He relied on Alfred for more than he realized but he'd dealt with living in the spotlight enough to know how to dress himself accordingly. His eyes rolled over the man next to him. Nothing really stood out about him-- sans the dimly glowing faded blue light coming from where the man's heart should be. A strange anomaly Bruce had never seen before but wouldn't comment on it. Someone of his economic standing wouldn't be caught dead in that, especially at his age well an estimated range of age. A noise took him from his thoughts, an apparently annunciation of his name.

"Wayne... Bruce Wayne." He felt the need to introduce himself, and not his counterpart. Not yet at least. If the man asked... maybe but highly doubtful. He believed in keeping his identity a secret from everyone. This man-- Tony Stark... didn't come off like that type of man to just do that.

Bruce wouldn't have been surprised if he'd given a press conference for just announcing his alter ego.
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Iron Man

Iron Man

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A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man}   A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Icon_minitimeMon Nov 12, 2012 12:21 am

Tony felt a cold shiver run up his spine, sucking in a breath silently as he side glanced just enough to catch those piercing blue eyes scanning over him once more. Good lord did they have personality to them, he was half expecting to turn to stone; maybe that was this guy's power, the male Medusa. The thought caused a silent chuckle to shake his body slightly, a rather satisfied look taking his features now, amused by his own joke, as usual.

So, no wife, butler or nanny? Tony rose a very doubtful eyebrow at the other, with his sharp looks and good style, there was no way he wasn't being babied by someone, or something, if he had a less intelligent version of J.A.R.V.I.S or something along that programming. Once Tony caught the gentleman roll his eyes at him, his look change from one of doubt to one of shock, then even more quickly one of a man who had been challenged. He bit back his tongue, after all, it was better to have friends than someone who wanted your head on a spike, at least for now. Tony felt the man's eyes rest on his arc reactor, he figured he should be use to it by now, how many others walked around with a neon ring of light attached to their chests, well, before Tony made it into a trend he was sure was going to catch on sooner or later.

When the other finally introduced himself, Tony could only smirk, once again biting back his humor to point out how dramatic his name was when he said it like that, like he was some sort of secret agent. The man of iron couldn't help but ponder, his brain racing a mile a minute, what made this man "hero/villain" worthy? What did he do? What powers or abilities did he possess? He seemed pretty normal, much like Tony himself . . . well, as normal as Tony could get. But he didn't see any wings, horns, tails, overly pumped biceps, skin discoloration, spandex suit, third eye, claws, fangs, or even lasers in his eyes, he just seemed, bland, handsome, but bland.

Once the introductions were done Tony shoved his hands back into his pockets, pulling at his pants slightly as he rocked on his heels. How did one ask another about their super abilities? Usually he was given a file on the person and read it over a couple times until he knew everything from their weaknesses to how they liked their coffee, then decided rather they could be friends. But no, there was no file this time, no Pepper to break the ice, no J.A.R.V.I.S. to do a search, just Tony and just Bruce. And Tony decided to do it the Stark way, upfront, and sometimes uncomfortable.

"So . . . Bruce, are you some sort of like . . . human Miracle-grow or something?"

Tony asked in a tone that lacked much interest, however his mind was still racing and inside he was quite the opposite, but the way this man stood so calmly, so suave, Tony felt the need to imitate. He wasn't sure why Bruce was in the garden, he wasn't sure it had something to do with his powers but it was a start, and it didn't hurt that Tony boosted his own self esteem with the joke. He tried not to think of Banner, whenever he heard the name Bruce, this man was certainly not Bruce Banner, he'd need a different name for him soon because the name Bruce was already taken in Tony's mental filing.
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A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man}   A Wayne by Any Other Name is None of Your Concern {Batman/Iron man} Icon_minitime

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